I am focusing on the positives in my life and want to list the things that I love. The more I give love and gratitude, the more love and gratitude will come to me!
This is where I will start, but I find myself loving so many things as I go about my day! I find gratitude in new places now such as a red light, as this often gives me time to check a text message or grab a water bottle from the back of my car.
I Start like this:
I love my husband! He is the perfect mate for me! He has such patience and is always there for me!
I love my children! They have grown up to be such wonderful adults and have given me so much joy as I reflect on their growing up. I love that they are all near by and all get along well with each other!
I love my grandbabies! Bailey is adorable and I love to hear her talk! She jabbers on and on and she brings me so much love! I love the baby that Jessica is carrying. This baby brings more hope and joy to us!
I love my farm! I love being able to go out and sit with my dogs and goats and just get loved on by them! I love that Bob is such a great mate for Pearl! I love that my goats are bred or being bred to have babies this year! I love my chickens! Big and small, I love listening to them when they are excited about laying an egg or cuddling up for the night on a cedar branch in the coop. I love my geese for the wonderful and delicious eggs that they provide and that they are such perfect alarms for the driveway! I love that they are grass eaters! I love my pigs! I love that they are prolific and gave us 4 piglets! I love that they are grass eaters too! I love that the female pig is easily contained behind a single strand of electric wire. I love our cats. I love that Lefty caught a mouse in the front yard today! I love that Tulip has calmed down when she is in the house! I love my jobs! I love being a nurse and being able to make a difference in many lives! I love my home health jobs and being able to connect with so many new people. I love that I often can see Divine Intervention at work in my daily life! I love my Mona Vie company! I love the people that I have become close friends with through MonaVie! I love eating right! I love having the option of having any foods that I want simply by going to a grocery store or restraunt. I love that I can get hot outside, then step into my air conditioned home! I love that I can take a shower when I want! I love that I have the convience of indoor plumbing and electricity. I love that if I get the urge to talk with my family and friends, I can simply call them on my cell phone! I love that when I get tired, that I have a nice big clean bed with lots of pillows that I can snuggle down into. I love that my husband can do the same beside me! I can(and will) go on like this for hours! I will do the rest of my listing of the things that I love later after I log off of the net. But, one more.... I love that I have internet and this sweet little net book!!!
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