Is a "Deranged Farmer" a farmer without a range?? Hmmm.
I worked hard all day at my job, which by the way I LOVE, got home after 7 pm and stopped inside for a brief moment to put away the ice. Apparently this has to be done in a timely manner. Otherwize, I would be putting a leaky bag of water into the chest freezer. This would do me no good. Okay, then I hurridly made my RVL shake for dinner... also LOVE this! Poured into a to go cup and took off to the neighbors house to bring them a bucket with a lid. Seems that they, along with 99% of the world have leftover vegetables that they would normally throw away. I rarely throw mine away now, because we actually eat them here! We don't guilt-buy them only to pretty up the fridge.
So back to the neighbor. She wants to contribute to the healthy appetites of my pigs! Cool!! She already had a sack of vegetables for me at the door. I thanked her and traded the empty bucket for the bag full of scraps. Back in the van/truck to the back door neighbors to feed their ducks and cats while they are at the coast this week. (Lucky bums) ~I accidently typed "Lucky Buns" I laughed for a minute, then fixed it. Then I thought that you may like to laugh too... Leave the engine running, cause I don't take long! Off to Chicken Larry's to pick up my newly hatched chicks! Larry rocks! He gave me 42 chicks for the price of 28! He likes to refer to himself as "Mr Haney"" from Green Acres. Only in the fact that if there is something that one may be needing, he will have it somewhere on his farm, and of course it's for sale! We all need a Mr Haney. Okay, I load up my 42 chicks and after discussing very important things like the sale barn in Durrant and what to do with chickens and peacocks when they die, I head back home to put the chicks in the brooder that I got from, you guessed it, Chicken Larry! Realized when I got back to the house that the animals had not been fed yet, so I dawn my evening wear (headlamp) and head out to the goat pen. Billy helps feed the goats and the dogs, we put up the geese, check on the chickens in the pen and gather eggs. I have 2 game hens (from Larry)sitting on some eggs together in a nest box (made by Larry) with a chick or 2 hatched under them. I like to make it worth their while for all of their sittin' so I popped a few of the chicks from Larry under them. They thank me by not pecking the holy begeebers out of my hand. Now I can feed the pigs the bag of scraps from the neighbors. The babies are all tucked in the pig shack. I am done. And it's only 10:15 pm! Now, I can relax for oh, 30 minutes before going to bed. Now for the count: 4 goats plus a billy goat on loan for breeding, 2 great pyrenees dogs to watch over the goats and everyone else, 27 chickens, 8 roosters (rescued 7 roosters Saturday night), 44 baby chicks, 3 geese, 5 rabbits and 6 pigs. Yeah, we've only got 3 acres here, so it's starting to feel a little cramped! I guess we need to sell some stuff. Feed is getting out of hand. Anyone need a rabbit? A few chickens???
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