Other little things... When you are changing lanes on the highway, put your signal on and then.... TURN IT OFF! We don't know if you are still planning to come over one more lane or if you are trying to fool us! Don't you see the little idiot light in your dash going "blink-a-blink-a-blink"? Curious as to why this is happening?? Have you taken drivers ed??? You may try reading the owners manual! And, dare I say it??? If you are 110 years old and find it difficult to see the road beyond your dash board, try STAYING AT HOME!! Again, for the love of Pete! You should donate that Olds or Plymouth to charity and find interesting things to do at HOME where you are not risking your life and everyone else's on the road!
I suppose I am spending a lot of time driving these days, as it is a large part of my job. I won't sleep and drive if you won't text and drive. I will drive with the traffic, (as opposed to against it) if you don't lane jump like this is all just some fun video game. Okay, I'm done for the night. I am going to go home and get disoriented with a fine glass of wine and get some sleep. ~Night
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