Monday, July 5, 2010


I once read a great little atricle titled "Interview With A Goat" . In it, the interviewer asks the goat about the need for strong fences. The goat replied "no, we don't need much in the way of fences, just stand us in a field and we'll stay right there". "Not really, we need fences that will hold water in and a crazed bull out". This is a fact. I have found that my goats see a fence as a challenge. "Oh look... the silly woman has put up a fence" Electric huh? Well, it only bites for a second, and then we have all of the neighbors beautiful ornimental plants and, oh... is that a huge garden over there?? Why yes it is!! Do goats like watermelon? Not sure, lets try it. STRAWBERRIES!!! They are to die for!!
Last week my 2 goats were out browsing the yard for some yummy weeds and found themselves at the top of the yard next to the fence. Leotie looks at the wonderful and bountiful weeds on the other side and has a "go for it" look in her eye. She is the smarter of the two goats. Kiowa is the "blonde" of the two. Leotie scales the fence in no time and is busily munching the weeds on the roadside. Kiowa tries her hand, er.. hoof at scaling the fence. Poor blonde thing..... She gets her front end over, but in the process, get her back leg hung in the electric wire. Not to worry... just kick around some, says Leotie. The fence is not on, so no problemo, right? That should do it. No? Kick around some more. This time add some twisting motion to the kicking thing. Hmm.... still stuck? well, can you sort of turn your head and eat some yummy weeds while you hang there? Now, see? You can do it! This isn't so bad, huh? Leotie is such a smart ass. Kiowa is just hangin' around when the man comes home and sees Leotie at the top of the driveway. Then he spots Kiowa. All he sees is the 2 legs sticking up in the air. Digging around in the weeds, he finds Kiowa just trying to eat the weeds that she is plopped in. The man works like mad and is able to free the poor blonde thing. At least they aren't as bad as the sheep.... I put 3 sheep out in the yard and in 2 minutes flat, one had hog tied herself! While untying her, the other two wrapped themselves up together! Amazing! At my house, you must carry wire cutters with you at all times!

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