Tuesday, February 20, 2018


What Grandpas do. There is something wonderful about watching a grandpa with his grandkids. The way they connect is on a very different level than Grandmas and Grandkids. It's instructions. It's carefulness. It's one on one life. Watching Billy going over gun safety ~again with Bailey before she gets to shoot her Red Rider. That right there is precious! She gives him all of her attention, and it pays off big! When she gets to line up on her target and squeeze of a shot that strikes the bulls eye, she looks at Grandpa and sees how proud he is of her! This is Grandfathering at it's best! I can only imagine that they will have this same look on their faces when he teaches her to drive a car or talks to her about boys and dating and not to rush into that sort of thing. They have a great respect for each other. He loves introducing her to new things including foods from other countries. And she is always willing to try these new foods! I hope that one day she will learn to cook from Grandpa. He is a wonderful cook, and is the most patient person I've ever known.

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