Peoples: "oh, look at the cute kitties! Lets keep them! Cats:"" Hmmm, wonder if the peoples are good to eats?" Peoples: See? They like us! They are rubbing on our legs! We definately should keep them! Lets give them very cute names!! Cats: They must taste good, I can smells bacon and eggs!! Cats: Let us in, Let us in! Peoples: No kitties, you can't come inside! Well, maybe for a little while. You are so cute! ~Opens door. Cats: Let us out, let us out! Peoples: Okay kitties, you can go out now. ~opens door. Cats peek outside, but remain inside. Cats: we were just checking to be sure that we could get you to do that. We want to stay in. ~Door shuts. Cats: we want to go out now! Peoples: I just opened the door for you, you don't really want to go out, silly kitties. Cats: Open the door, open the door, open the door, open the door, open the door! Peoples: Alright! ~door opens~ Now go outside. Cats: We just want to stand in the doorway. ~Flies come in, A/C goes out, Peoples get frustrated.... Cats: We like this new place.
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