Friday, June 4, 2010

Geese ~cute little bugeaters??

Okay, I've been down this road before. I may be a little forgetful, but I knew there was something evil and underhanded about geese. Yet, when my friend called me about 6 weeks ago and asked if I wanted some baby geese for free, I didn't hesitate! Sure! I'll be right over!. I loaded 4 huge 7 week old "baby" geese into a large box in the back of my van. There was much kicking and screaming and a few near escapes during the 30 minute drive home. ~From the geese, not me. Not yet. I got them out of the box and into a 6X8 pen to get them acclimated to the new place. Then, one of them is very tricky and is able to escape the pen. I put it back and check for open areas. None. Next morning, one is out again. Okay, everyone out. You can have my yard and eat my bugs and nibble on the plentful weeds and grasses. In the blink of an eye, they are HUGE! These geese are at least 40 pounders and they are getting that look in their eyes when they see me out in MY yard. Their heads go down and they are braced for the attack mode. I weild my "gose wacker" and brave the angry mob. Waiting for them to attack Billy. Then and only then will I get the okay to start the butchering of the wicked geese. I don't get it though. Why do they get mean to the people that they see every day? I am not mean to them, I don't taunt them or chase them.... Do they not know how tasty they are? I have told them on a daily basis of how I will skewer them and roast their fat bodies if they keep challenging me. ~I say this in a very affectionate tone. I am just waiting. I know that it will happen, I just don't know when. There will be a feast, and it will include goose liver pate!

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