Monday, May 17, 2010

Procrastination and Reprieve!

Sometimes, and I do mean sometimes... you catch a break while procrastinating. I did get the tickets to Md and back, and by waiting a few more days, was able to get them cheaper than before! Yeah! I do see that this waiting til the last second is not a good trait, and I will no longer do this. Staring next month. Well, maybe I can start in July because June isn't such a busy month. I am procrastinating my procrastination! What foolishness is this?! It's kinda like coffee.... I brew it to be nice and hot, then I add some cold creamer. Then I forget about it for a little while and it gets luke warm. Well, I could heat it back up, or... I could let it sit a little longer! Iced coffee is pretty good too ya know. Maybe I should get out that pesky note book that I had Billy write all of my "To Do" things on. ~See, I'm even too lazy to write them down myself! I wanted to start making some wine for Jessicas wedding in October. If I get on it now, it'll be ready in time. But, if I start it now, someone else would have to tend to it while I am in Maryland. So, you see~ one must procrastinate! Like the chicken and duck eggs that I was going to set to hatch. I could have started them on the weekend, but then someone else would have had to turn them while I am gone. I will have to put these things off until I get back out of sheer thoughtfulness to the others that will be doing some of my chores while I am gone.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why do today what you can put off until, oh crap.... I put it off too long.

Okay, way back around the begining of the year, I had a conversation with my dear old friend (not that she is old, mind you; but we have been friends since 1975). So anyway, we were talking about how cool it would be to get all of us friends together and have a big blowout "friends reunion"! Okay, she thought it was a wonderful idea! I had to do this!! So, with the help of facebook, I created this little shindig. I knew long ago that I would need to get airplane tickets. I knew when I would need to be there for Christ's sake, I am the so called brains behind this thing! Well, I have to find some cheap tickets for next week. I am such a great procrastinator, that I have failed to secure a flight for my husband and myself. I may have to pull out he big guns and get on the prayer lists of many to pull this one off! I have so many people that are going to be looking for me in a week.... in Maryland! So, I'm thinking; if you happen to have a few thousand air miles just sitting around collecting dust, um, er...well, you might think about, well... hey. At this point, I am looking for a miracle! Not like the ones we searched for at Grateful Dead concerts... I need 2 round trip tickets to DC for next weekend! For less than $500. Or, maybe you are a pilot and have a plane in your hanger. I am definately up for an adventure :) Well, I'll be waiting to hear from you. My bags are packed and my cabin at the beach is reserved. I really don't want to get the postcard from my friends with a picture of my cabin and a "wish you were here" scrawled across it.